Elections for the Board of Directors and Information on the 2018 Bach Festival
On Saturday, 5 August 2017, the annual General Assembly of the Neue Bachgesellschaft was held during the Bach Festival in Ansbach. The main topics of the meeting included reports on the work of the organisation, the election of new Board of Directors members and the 2018 Bach Festival in Tübingen.
Executive Board President Prof. Brödel welcomed the positive results achieved in 2016. With the annual Bach Festival, which took place in 2016 in Dresden, the publication of the Bach Annals, the support provided for the Bachhaus Eisenach and a successful Bach Academy in Ukraine, our organisation has accomplished its main aims for 2016.
Elections were held for four Board of Directors members. After 15 years of service as members of the Board of Directors, Rosemarie Trautmann and Michael Rosenthal decided not to stand as candidates for re-election. Prof. Dr Daniel Chorzempa and Dr Jörg Hansen were re-elected to the Board. Dr Philipp Adlung (musicologist, lawyer, department head at the Thuringian State Chancellery) and Prof. Hans-Christoph Rademann (conductor, university professor, Director of the Internationale Bachakademie Stuttgart) were elected as new Board of Directors members for a five-year term.
- Dr. Philipp Adlung (photo: privat)
- Prof. Hans-Christoph Rademann (photo: Bachakademie Stuttgart/Holger Schneider)
Philipp Amelung, Ingo Bredenbach and Matthias Ehm from Tübingen attended the meeting in order to present their plans for hosting our organisation’s next Bach Festival, which will take place from 28 September to 7 October 2018 in Tübingen. A detailed programme is already available. The ticket pre-sale service for NBG members began on 5 August 2017.
We would like to thank all members who supported our organisation last year in word and deed, with their membership fees and donations!
The next General Assembly will take place on Saturday, 29 September 2018 during the Bach Festival in Tübingen.