Support / Become a Member

If you would like to support the work of our association, we invite you to become a member of the Neue Bachgesellschaft.

Our members can profit from the following benefits:

• a free copy of the Bach Annals regularly providing information on the latest results of Bach research

• the newsletter delivered free of charge twice a year, keeping you up-to-date on Bach related activities in Germany and abroad as well as the work of our association

• free entrance to the Bachhaus Eisenach and discounted admission to the Bach Museum Leipzig

• belonging to a large worldwide circle of Bach devotees

You can download the membership application for the Neue Bachgesellschaft here: Membership Application Form , fill it in and send it to us.

We will also be very happy about your donation, for which you will of course receive a donation receipt.

Annual membership fee
€50 / Single members
€60 / Married couples
€25 / Students
€50 / Corporate members (institutional members)

Bank details:
Neue Bachgesellschaft e.V.
IBAN: DE08 8601 0090 0067 2279 08
Postbank Leipzig

Here you can find a pdf download of our statute:
Satzung der Neuen Bachgesellschaft e.V.  (in German)